在语法上,“ that”通常与限制性子句一起使用,而“ that”通常与非限制性子句一起使用。简单地说,“that”后面的短语需要更具体地识别一些事物,而“which”后面的短语详细说明了一些事物,并且可以容易地阐述但不影响其含义。在大多数情况下,逗号用于触发“ where”子句,而不触发“ that”子句。“that”和“which”都是关系代词,但用法不同。
在下面的句子中,“ that”的第二次使用指定可以使用某些类型的自动光刻工具来消除缺陷:
We expect that one can significantly improve the fabrication yield by using automated photolithography tools that can eliminate most of the defect sources. (Luan et al.)
“ that”的常见用法是在带有问题,需求,命令,建议,愿望或请求的句子中。在上面给出的第一个示例中,第一个“that”属于该类别,因为它前面带有“expect”。
Some experts have traced the relatively low share of blacks and Hispanics working in STEM professions to differences that emerge at an early age. (Anderson)
在句子中使用“ that”的更多示例:
The subject said that she was feeling tired.
请注意,您也可以简单地写:“The subject said she was feeling tired.”
The reviewers recommended that the experiment be replicated.
By comparison, 45% of whites, 40% of Hispanics and 39% of blacks say they want a science-related job, and no more than half of these respective groups agree that they need to do well in science to get the kind of job they desire. (Anderson)
Conventional neural implants have volumes and surgical footprints considerably larger than those of cells and capillaries, which induce substantial damage and disruption to local cellular and vascular networks. (Luan et al.)
Recently, gene transfection into target cells using naked DNA, which is a simple and safe approach, has been improved by combining several physical techniques. (Niidome & Huang)
非正式:The archeologist that made the discovery was on the news last night.
正式:The archeologist who made that discovery was on the news last night.
1.“ that”或“which”后面的条款是否以任何方式限制或定义了主语或宾语?如果是这样,它可能需要“that.”
3.如果“ that”是值得的,但不符合#1的要求,它是否遵循列出的动词类型之一?如果是这样,你可以试着重写它。另外,确保你没有使用不太正式的“that”版本。
1. Anderson, M. “Among High School Seniors, Interest in Science Varies by Race, Ethnicity.” FactTank: News in the Numbers. Pew Research Center. 4 Jan. 2017. Accessed 28 Feb 2017.
2. Luan, L., et al. “Ultraflexible Nanoelectronic Probes Form Reliable, Glial Scar-free Neural Integration.” Science. AAAS. 17 Feb 2017. Accessed 28 Feb 2017.
3. Niidome, T and L. Huang. “Gene Therapy Progress and Prospects: Nonviral Vectors.” Abstract. Gene Therapy 9.24 (Dec 2002): 1647-52. ProQuest. Accessed 28 Feb. 2017.
1. Keck, R. and Angeli, E. “Introduction and General Usage in Defining Clauses.” Purdue Online Writing Lab. Purdue University. 13 Feb. 2013. Accessed 28 Feb 2017.
2. Toews, Myron L. “The Grammar Hammer: Common Mistakes in Scientific Writing.” PowerPoint. October 2012. Creighton University School of Medicine.
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